Water Safety Tips

Swimming is a great way to keep your pet active and cool in the hot summer months. Let’s face it, some of us could not keep our pets out of the water if we tried.  So here are a few water safety tips to help you out with your swimming furry family members.

puppy having fun on waterboard

  1. BE AWARE: Always be aware where your dog is while swimming. Weather and circumstances can change extremely quickly. It is in also important to be conscious of any currents that are in the waters where your fur babies will be swimming.
  2. MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT IF WATER THEY INGEST: Too much water can cause water intoxication. If you have a dog that laps at the water constantly, watch for any of the following signs: loss of coordination, lethargy, bloating, vomiting, excessive salivation, beating difficulty, and seizures. If any of these symptoms occur, contact your vet immediately.
  3. OFFER FRESH WATER: Always have fresh water available to your fur baby. Swimming is strenuous work and can build up quite a thirst. In lakes, rivers and streams there is a risk of our pets exposed to bacteria, parasites and viruses; in pools they use chemicals, therefore we would not want them to ingest too much either.  Offering lots of fresh water may help prevent them from drinking their swimming water and keep them well hydrated.
  4. RINSE AFTER SWIMMING:  Swimming in lakes and pools seem to have little effect on us humans. However, our pets ears, nose, eyes and skin are more sensitive and susceptible to the effects of lake water debris and pool chemicals.  To make sure that chemicals, and dirt don’t irritate your fur babies skin always rinse their fur with fresh, clean water.
  5. LIFE JACKETS ARE A PLUS: Whether your dog is a good swimmer or not, life jackets are always a good idea.  Not only will it keep them afloat but added handles offer quick and easy access in case they need assistance out of the water.

If you have any questions about water safety, do not hesitate to give us a call. Otherwise, have fun in the water everyone!