local pet parasite control for indoor and outdoor vet clinic

In-and-Out Doors

All pets should be involved in some parasite control plan. Our pets are vulnerable to parasites in both indoor and outdoor environments, but depending on their lifestyle more preventative means may be necessary.

  Did you know?
15% of potting soil contains roundworm eggs and house flies who carries roundworms! Routine deworming and flea control is a must for both Indoor & Outdoor Animals. 

Questions On Parasites

As an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited clinic, we follow their recommendation to minimize health risks by preventative measures like proactive parasite control:

  • As a puppy, every 2 weeks until 16 weeks, then monthly until 6 months, then adjusted based on lifestyle
  • A routine preventative flea and deworming medication is often recommended for monthly usage (such as revolution, or simparica trio )

Types Of Harmful Animal Parasites


If you see 1 flea on your animal, you can be sure that there are 100 other fleas waiting at home. Fleas are not just annoying for us to clean, but they can be painful, and cause severe skin reactions and allergies in some animals. They also carry disease and tapeworms which can

Intestinal worms

Whether your animal is indoor or outdoors, there is always a chance for them to pick up worms. Worms are often contracted from the mother as a young animal, from sniffing infected fecal matter, eating insects (including houseflies) or wildlife, or just picking up eggs in the environment. They can also be brought home on your shoes or clothes, or found in uncooked foods, particularly meats.


These critters live in your animals intestines and absorb the nutrients from the partially digested foods. They can migrate through the liver, and lungs in your animal, as well as transmit through placenta or milk from the mother to young ones. They cause immature growth, diarrhea and weight loss. These worms can be transmitted to humans and can cause liver or eye damage. It is recommended by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to deworm monthly.


These worms latch onto the intestinal lining and suck blood and nutrients from the animal, leading to anemia, failure to grow, weight loss, and diarrhea. These are also found in the environment, or transmitted through placenta or milk by the mother. These worms are also transmitted to humans, and can burrow into the skin and migrate through organs including the eyes. Due to risk to humans, we recommended a monthly preventative deworming protocol.


These generally do not cause serious health issues but will cause irritation resulting in scooting, and excessive licking. However in large numbers these worms can lead to similar symptoms as the other worms. Tapeworms are carried by fleas, lice and small mammals or rodents.


Whipworms latch onto the large intestine and cecum, leading to bloody stool and pain. These can once again be prevented by routine deworming protocols.

Schedule With Us

Don’t wait and risk a troublesome infection from parasites, take a proactive approach to parasites.

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